It has been a while since I blogged. Of course, there are multiple reasons why I haven't....
Let me bring you up to speed...
I went back to work in 2009 and when the girls dad and I divorced. I started a new life as a single working mom, homeowner, etc... Things have been incredibly hard for all of us to say the least. The girls Dad remarried over a year ago and they have a new little baby sister, plus two step sisters. They all go to the same school. Noelle and her step-sister are even in the same class. We, as divorced parents, have more contact than most due to the fact that we are both active parts of the girls daily lives. This, at times, can be great or horrible, depending on the day. We do it this way because it is the best thing to do for the girls. It's hard on the adults, but it is a good situation for the kids. The girls, have adjusted, very well. For the most part... this has become normal, as odd as it is.
I have been dating and now am about to marry a great man who has two twin boys. We are about to start our own "blended family" experience. Again, everyone loves each other and the girls are ready for their future step-dad to be a part of their daily lives too. We are all trying our best to do the best, in the best way possible, in spite of the difficulty of the situation.
Life continues to change. That is the only consistent part about any of this. And so, now you know.
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